Monthly update – almost December

Hey all! I’ve come out of hiding. I don’t know how often I will post because I seem to be crazy busy now and my motivation for posting is pretty low, but I will try to at least do once a month posts. This post will count for December.

I’m sure you’re all wondering how I did coming off of Cambridge. As expected I gained quite a bit back. I was sitting comfortably at 196 for a while. I weighed myself today and was at 201 :(. I hope that is water weight. On a happier note, I am still in a size 12 jean and a medium top so it doesn’t seem like I’ve gained very much “fat”.

What have I been doing? I’ve at least established a mostly healthy, during the week diet. Weekends are still crazy with events and such. We meal prep on Sundays and have lots of yummy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for the week. Examples include: spaghetti squash, chorizo chili, black bean sweet potato burritos, quinoa spinach egg bakes, fruit and peanut butter wraps, and fruit/kale packed smoothies. All homemade. It has been fun trying out new recipes and trying to establish a healthy habit.

Exercise though, has been on the back burner. I’ve put my gym membership on hold in order to save money. I do have access to a gym at work and in my apartment complex. Working out at work is difficult because If I do I’m pretty much guaranteed to be stuck in rush hour traffic. I’ve tried going to the apartment’s gym, but it was packed the one time I went and I have been discouraged from trying again. I was moved from the second shift to the first shift last week though so now it may not be packed when I have time to go. My boyfriend will help motivate me. It is too cold for me to go running outside. There is nothing that kills my motivation quite like winter does.

So in summary, I have established some good eating habits during the week (the weekend is still a battleground) and I will be trying to incorporate more exercise this week as I get used to my new schedule. The holidays will be difficult.

Hope everyone is trudging through.

Happy losing!

A change in plans

I’ve come off Cambridge. There are no results this week because I stopped on Halloween. The Cambridge diet is great for trying to lose a lot of weight quickly, but it’s really not healthy. There have been some side effects that have lead me to the decision to stop Cambridge for now:

1. My skin is not healing very quickly: bruises and cuts take a lot longer to heal. I’ve had chapped lips for weeks now no matter how much chap stick I put on them.

2. My eczema is acting out. It only appears when my body is under great stress. it’s very irritating and painful.

3. My postural hypotension was getting really bad. It used to be that every once and a while I’d black out from standing up too quickly. Since Cambridge, it had gotten to me blacking out almost every time I stood up. Not good. Since I’ve been off Cambridge for the past few days this has already resolved itself.

4. Constant cold. Since I’ve been on Cambridge I’ve had constant congestion. I thought it was just a coincidence, but now I think my body just didn’t have enough resources to keep me alive as well as fighting off a cold.

5. Couldn’t exercise/ super weak. I tried going for a run a couple weeks ago. I couldn’t even make it a mile. I walked the rest of the way home and then literally passed out in the shower. It was very similar to my postural hypotension except it wasn’t just that I couldn’t see. My legs gave out too. Also, things as simple as getting dressed made me super tired and winded. i have no strength anymore.

So with all of the above reasons, even though I was getting awesome results, it was not in my best interest to put my health at risk to get down to my goal weight. I may revisit Cambridge in the future, but for now I’m going to eat well and exercise.

I weighed in at 188 today. My boyfriend and I had some fun going out to eat and such this past weekend. Hopefully that gain will come off easily. I’ll update you next week.

Until then, Happy Losing!


Cambridge Diet – Week 7

Happy Tuesday! I know I’m a day late, but I didn’t have time yesterday so it had to wait til today.The stats are in:


  • Starting weight = 210.6 lbs
  • Last weeks Weight = 188 lbs
  • Current Weight = 182.6 lbs
  • Weekly Weight Loss = 5.4 lbs!
  • Inch Loss since last post = 4.5 inches!!
  • Total Inch Loss = 18.5 inches!!!
  • Total Weight Loss = 28 lbs!!!


  • Week 1 – 12.4 lbs lost
  • Week 2 – 1.8 lbs lost (cheated this week)
  • Weeks 3 thru 5 – hiatus (gained 5.8 lbs during hiatus)
  • Week 6 – 12 lbs lost
  • Week 7 – 5.4 lbs lost

I decided not to cheat at my work’s Halloween party. Surprisingly, it wasn’t too difficult. I’m still super proud of myself for being strong. So now I’ve successfully completed a second week of being on diet without cheating. I’m curious to see if the third week will be around a 5 lb loss as well. I almost cheated yesterday. I didn’t feel well, and when I’m sick I tend to go for comfort food. I talked my brain out of it though. I need to be able to fit into my costume this weekend. After that though, Thanksgiving is a long ways away. If anything comes up it’s going to be difficult to rationalize it. I’m not sure if the shock value at Thanksgiving is going to be enough to keep me going. I only have 3 more weeks of supplies. I’m considering buying one more week, but the week before I was planning on adding some real food and slowly cutting back on the Cambridge so that my body doesn’t get completely shocked by Thanksgiving. I can’t wait for real food. My taste buds are totally ready for something different than Cambridge.

Yesterday I got a totally awesome compliment! I was shopping for stockings for my costume and unfortunately the weight scale on the back of the packaging puts anything above 150 lbs in plus size. So I got to the register with my plus sized stockings and the cashier was like “Girl, what are you doing with those. You don’t need plus size.” I tried explaining that I was still way over the weight limit and she just kept shaking her head saying I didn’t need plus size ha ha. I’d rather be safe than sorry though, so I kept them.

Happy losing!


Cambridge Diet – Week 6

Good Morning! I hope everyone’s week is starting off well. I know mine is! The stats are in:


  • Starting weight = 210.6 lbs
  • Last weeks Weight = 200 lbs
  • Current Weight = 188 lbs
  • Weekly Weight Loss = 12 lbs
  • Inch Loss since last post = 4.5 inches!!
  • Total Inch Loss = 14 inches!!!
  • Total Weight Loss = 22.6 lbs!!!


  • Week 1 – 12.4 lbs lost
  • Week 2 – 1.8 lbs lost (cheated this week)
  • Week 3 – hiatus
  • Week 4 – hiatus
  • Week 5 – hiatus (gained 5.8 lbs during hiatus)
  • Week 6 – 12 lbs lost

Awesome results for my first week back on diet. I have yet to see how much I can lose in a normal week without cheating. My first week on this diet seems to consistently fall around 12 lbs though! I say “normal” because the first week on the diet includes the loss of water weight and the loss of your glycogen stores. Obviously these are long gone by the following week.

Unfortunately, my work’s Halloween party is this Friday. I am conflicted. I really want to stay strong and go the whole 2nd week without cheating, but at the same time this caliber of festivities only happens once a year at my work. Would I be able to enjoy the celebration without eating the food? I don’t know. My motivation for that Halloween costume is pretty high. It may be enough to get me through that day. I know that if I cheat this Friday it’ll basically be throwing out a whole week’s worth of work.

I’m also motivated by the thought of shocking my family with my results at Thanksgiving. Throwing out a week will not help me achieve that. Oh! Can you believe I’m in the 180’s!! When I stepped on the scale and saw that I literally screamed out of joy. My boyfriend came running thinking it was an emergency ha ha… oops. The last time I remember being in the 180’s was in middle school. I remember the doctor telling me I should probably consider losing weight, and I remember thinking it wasn’t that big of a deal. After all, I wasn’t obese yet. Just overweight. I don’t recall weighing less than 180. I guess I never paid much attention to my weight before then. So once I pass that barrier it will be new territory for me, as a conscious adult at least :). So excited!

Happy losing!


Back on Track

Hey guys! Did you miss me? It’s been three weeks or so since I last posted. Let me catch you up.

The move went…uhhh….it’s complete. Let’s just say lots of stressful things happened. It’s done, and we’re happy. We still have some final touches to make, hanging pictures and such, but all in all it looks good and feels like home already. Luckily, our maintenance team for the apartments is amazing! They are so quick to respond and nice. So far I’m very happy with the management of these apartments.

My diet on the other hand, has been up and down. I had originally planned to go back on diet the Tuesday after my move. I tried for three days. Each day I caved because I was SOOOO hungry by the end of the day. I took a short break and tried again the following Monday. I completed one day, but come Tuesday had an emotional breakdown for some unknown reason (PMS maybe?) and ended up binge eating my tears away. That Wednesday happened to be my coworker’s retirement party. I had originally planned to eat just a salad, didn’t work. Thursday and Friday I was good. Saturday I went to a party at my Aunt’s house. I had planned not to eat anything. Her cooking is so good though and sitting in that house with all those smells! I couldn’t help it. I was also bad the next day due to an immense celebratory feeling of being able to see my boyfriend. Even though we live together, I had barely seen him all week.

Now were on to this week and I’m finally back on track. I’ve been good for three straight days now. I started at 200 on Monday and I’m now down to 192.4 as of this morning. (194.4 with clothes on! Goodbye Pedometer!). Three seems to be the magic number. Once you get past the first 3 days and get into ketosis it is much easier.

Here’s the plan: In total I plan to be using Cambridge for the next three weeks and then see where I’m at. There is one event that I’m considering cheating for and that is the Halloween party at my work. It is epic, you barely remember you’re at work that day since the first half of the day is spent eating good food, looking at all the displays, doing scavenger hunts, playing games, looking at all the awesome costumes, and eating more good food. The company even gives us free donuts for breakfast and pizza for lunch! What more could you ask for besides the day off? Anyway, I’m planning to avoid the donuts and pizza, but there is so much other food that is more unique that I might have to try. We shall see.

My goal right now is to look awesome in a sexy Halloween costume! My boyfriend’s band is playing a concert Halloween night, so of course a costume is required. It doesn’t even have to be that sexy. I don’t think I’ll get to the exposed midriff level, but just the ability to wear a skirt with confidence would be nice.

On a side note, even though I’ve been yo yo dieting these last couple weeks I still managed a non scale victory. I now comfortably fit in a size 12 jean! Also I only have one more pound to lose before I weigh less than my boyfriend. I will finally get to be the smaller one in the relationship!

That’s it for now. I’ll try and keep you posted. Perhaps I’ll weigh in every Monday now.

Happy losing!!

Quick Cambridge Update/ Milestones

Hey guys!

I lost all that weight I gained from Sunday, plus some! Now I’m at 194.2! I hit a couple milestones with this number. I’ve now lost more than 50 lbs overall (16.4 lbs from cambridge). I’m also no longer considered obese on the BMI scale just overweight! Now I just need to get down enough so that I can weigh this much with clothes on and then my health insurance won’t require me to wear a pedometer and check in weekly! I may keep using the pedometer, but it’d be nice to be free from the leash.

Happy losing!!

Cambridge Diet – Week 2

Good Morning! I hope everyone’s week has started off well. The stats are in:

  • Starting weight = 210.6 lbs
  • Last weeks Weight = 198.2 lbs
  • Current Weight = 196.4 lbs
  • Weekly Weight Loss = 1.8 lbs
  • Weekly Inch Lost = 5 inches!!
  • Total Inch Loss = 9.5 inches!!!
  • Total Weight Loss = 14.2 lbs!!

Alright, now I know it looks like I lost less than two pounds this week, but that’s not completely accurate because i cheated on Sunday. Sunday morning I was down to 194.8. Which is a weekly loss of 3.4 lbs and would put me at 15.8 lbs lost in two weeks! The inches show the real results!!

Why did I screw it up? Simple, I was in a car accident. I wasn’t hurt, but I was really shaken up and I needed some comfort. Now I am retaining water and glycogen again. It will go away again soon. I’ll only be on diet for 3 more days though. I’ll be taking a break during my move and possibly longer. There are some events coming up that I want to take part in. I may or may not do a weigh in post next week. it won’t be pretty I’m sure.

I’m completely thrilled with my results from this product, however the company is not that great. When you buy the big pouches that contain supposedly 21 servings, they short you. Between the two bags I bought, I was shorted 9 servings! That’s three days of meals for me! Unacceptable. I wrote them an email and haven’t heard anything back yet. I highly recommend buying the pre-portioned packets. Then you’re guaranteed to get your money’s worth.

I’ve also been trying the different Original Formula flavors out. Here are the verdicts:

  • Dutch Chocolate = Decent
  • French Vanilla = Decent
  • Super Strawberry = Palatable ( Not buying again)
  • Rich Chocolate = DO NOT BUY ( I could not even drink one serving of this I was gagging too much, it was so gross. My boyfriend tried it because he thought I was overacting, and he had the same reaction.)

So in summary, DO NOT BUY Rich chocolate original formula flavor, ONLY buy the pre-portioned packets because they WILL rip you off, and stay on diet ( unlike me) to see awesome results! Wish me a smooth move this Friday!

Happy losing!


Cambridge Diet – Week 1

Hello World! I am in a good mood today! You know why?!…It’s because I get to share these awesome results with you! The stats are in:

  • Starting weight = 210.6 lbs
  • Current Weight = 198.2 lbs
  • Weight Loss = 12.4 lbs!!!
  • Inch Loss = 4.5 inches!!!

Aren’t those numbers beautiful? 🙂 I know probably the first 8 pounds or so that I lost in the first two days were my glycogen stores and the water I was retaining, but it still feels great. I’ve made it in to ONEderland finally! I’ve crossed that barrier that I was never really able to cross before. Occasionally I’ve dipped into the 199 area only to go back up the next day. Never have I gotten to the 198 almost 197 area! My expected weekly weight loss from now on is 2-5 lbs. I can deal with that!

Day one was the worst for side effects. For day two, I had mild versions of the day one side effects (headaches, nausea, hunger, light headedness). On day 3 I think I was down to a very rare mild headache or two and a bit of hunger. Now I am no longer hungry. I have to force myself to stop what I’m doing and go drink my shake because my body isn’t reminding me anymore. When i drink my shake I even feel extremely full sometimes! That’s crazy! Never would I have thought that I could feel full on just a measly 110 calorie shake and water. Now my only real symptom is a fruity breath and a dry mouth occasionally.

I have kept my water intake at 4 L or more each day. I got a nifty water counter app on my phone that gives me reminders that I need to drink more water and congratulates me when I reach my goal.

My plan is to stay on this for another week and two days and then it is move in weekend, and I shall get rewards for all my hard work! I will report back for week 2, until then!

Happy losing!


Cambridge Diet- Day 1

I mentioned in my last post that I was starting a new diet (I started yesterday). It is called the Cambridge Diet. It’s been around for like 20 years or so.

There are two versions of this diet one UK based and one US based. The co-founders of the specific “original” Cambridge formula developed at Cambridge University had a falling out or something and the US one took over selling to the US and the UK guy took over the rest of the world. The main difference in the plans is that the UK version gives you a consultant where the US has something called distributors. The UK also seems to have more products and flavors.

The only purpose of the distributor seems to be to sell you things. Perhaps without shipping since they are local. The shipping on the US website is ridiculous! It’s $13.00 no matter what you buy and then goes up as you add more products to your cart. Ugh!

I wish I could have a consultant >.>. The consultant, as far as I can tell, is a person in your area who has done the diet and lost weight on it. They weigh you every week and give you advice. Some are even more encouraging and will check up on how your doing apart from your weekly weigh ins. I think you may get products from them too?

The US version is way behind the UK version. Their website hasn’t been updated in 10 years and that’s when their latest success story is from as well. It was definitely not the most reassuring. There are also no US success stories online beside the old ones posted on their site. I wasn’t even sure they were still in business. Either way, I read up on all the UK success stories. There are recent blogs and such like this one that are very inspiring.

On to the actual plan. There is also one thing that the US version has that is odd. It took me a while to figure this out. They have a Food For Life line and an Original formula line. Apparently sometime after the Original formula came out the recommended daily amount of protein was raised in the US by 30 g or so. As the Cambridge diet is supposed to be an all inclusive meal replacement, the US Cambridge added more protein to their powder and called it the food for life line. Originally you were to take 3 servings of the original formula. Now to make up for the lack of protein you can take 4 servings of the original formula or you can take 3 servings of the food for life formula.

I purchased the original formula because it was cheaper. Beware, one pouch does not cover a whole week if you use the product as recommended. They only give you enough for about 5 days. Anyway, I am poor so I am making the original formula last me a whole week by only having it 3 times a day. If it was okay to do 10 years ago before they upped the requirement, then I’m okay with it now. I only expect to be on this for a month or two anyway.

I don’t want to explain all of their programs because it would take forever so here’s the link to the US site. I am following the fast start program. So I will be drinking my Cambridge shakes 3 times a day for at least two weeks, maybe more. The only other thing I’ll be consuming is water. I’ve read on other blogs that drinking more water helps you lose faster so I am aiming for about 4 to 5 liters of water a day. Plus the water will help you not feel hungry. This is the program that gives the fastest results. It is not uncommon for people to have a ten pound loss in the first week and 2 to 5 pound losses in the following weeks.

Curious how it works? Basically, it’s a very low calorie diet (VLCD). You only get about 420 – 440 calories a day. (330 in my case because I’m cheating to save money). The formula gives you all the vitamins and minerals your body needs for the day. The carbs are low and so this will put your body into ketosis after about 3 days (or so I’ve read). This means that your body will switch gears and start burning only your fat for fuel. It does have some side affects. I’ve read about nausea, light headed, intense hunger, headaches, dry mouth, and a fruity breath. The worst of these are supposed to subside after the 3 day switch. Some have symptoms the whole time though. At the very least the hunger should go away. After my first day I experienced most of these in very mild “waves”. That’s the best I can describe it. They’d come randomly and leave after 5 minutes or so. Some people don’t experience any symptoms, they are lucky -_-.

My starting weight for this diet is 210.6 lbs. I peeked at the scale this morning and I was already 5 lbs down! That’s probably mostly water, but I’m still happy to be rid of it. That’s all I have to say about this diet for now. If you have any questions let me know, i’ll try to answer them in my next post if possible.

Happy losing!

I’m still here…

So… you may or may not have noticed my absence for the last 3 weeks or so. I had a bit of a breakdown due to not being able to diet the way I want. I know, I’m a baby. This will change when I finally move in with my boyfriend in about 2.5 weeks! No longer will I have hour long commutes to work! No longer will I have two homes that I must split my time between (which affects grocery shopping and the ability to pre-prep food). No longer will I not be allowed to cook in the morning, or do anything even slightly noisy. No longer will I be afraid to run outside my home in fear of a mugging or worse. It will be nice. Enough whining though.

The point is, I was fed up and I let my whims guide me. It wasn’t good. In the midst of all the negativity though I did complete a 3-day juice cleanse that I do plan on posting about eventually. My drive to write has just gone down as my mood and results have gone out the window. Well, tomorrow is a new day and I have invested in a new diet plan that requires no cooking at all! Depending on the results I see, I may only stay on it for a short time and switch back to slow carb after the move in. If my body handles it really well I may stay on it for two months or so. We shall see. Tomorrow I weigh in. Perhaps I will post more about it, if my mood is up. Feeling really motivated at the moment!

Happy Losing!