Cauliflower egg fried “rice”

First off let me say that I took this recipe from The Fasting Doctor‘s blog here.

The recipe was so good I had to post about it. I made a couple changes to suit my taste, but here’s the base recipe:

Ingredients (to serve 1)

  • 1/2 a medium head of cauliflower
  • 1 egg
  • 3-4 scallions, chopped
  • Dried chilli flakes, salt & pepper to taste

Now to make the egg fried ‘rice’.

Cut your cauliflower into florets.

Rinse them. Do not dry. As we are not cooking with oil, the water will help cook ‘em later. Use a processor/blender/grater to create your bowl of rice-like ‘grains’

Heat up a non-stick pan on medium heat. Pop your ‘rice’ in (with your chilli flakes, salt & pepper) and start sautéing for 3 minutes. Then add the scallions for another 2 minutes. As we’re not using oil, you have to watch your rice like a hawk so that it doesn’t burn/stick to the pan (a little bit will probably stick). You can add a little bit of water to keep things moving, but not too much as the cauliflower will soak it up pronto and become more gummy-like.

Crack your egg in, mix it throughout & serve.

Here are the ingredients I added:

  • chilli powder (instead of chilli flakes)
  • 2 Tbsp butter/margarine
  • a sprinkle of onion powder
  • minced garlic to taste
  • a sprinkle of shredded cheddar cheese

When the ‘rice’ was sauteing in the pan I added 1 tbsp of the butter. I added the extra spices at the same time as the chilli powder and salt and pepper. I added more along the process. I probably cooked it about 2 minutes longer than called for until I was satisfied with the spices. I added the second Tbsp of butter after adding the scallions. I just thought it needed more. I added the cheddar as an after thought after it was already in the serving bowl. It was still hot and melted and mixed right in. You could probably add it while it was still in the pan though. Use sparingly though. Doesn’t really need it. I just like cheese…on everything.

The verdict was: It’s delicious! I could almost eat it as a meal alone and be completely satisfied! Even my anything healthy hating father and sister admitted that it was “okay” and “not too bad”!!! OMG they ate vegetables and the world did not end!

I will definitely be making this again. My only gripe is that my blender is terrible. It was like “Nah, I don’t FEEL like chopping up this cauliflower” -_-. Suffice to say, I will be using a food processor next time for sure. Good thing the boyfriend has one!! He has all the fancy cooking stuff and I’m sure he’ll love this recipe too!

Enjoy and Happy cooking!