Confession Time

As you all know, I had a fabulous weigh in on Saturday. Saturday was also supposed to be a rest, do nothing, lazy kind of day. Due to my awesome stats though I was too motivated to sit still and went on a spur of the moment 5 mile walk! It was awesome. I took lots of pictures of pretty flowers and butterflies and just took my time.

Sunday, I had planned a cheat meal and dessert. I went a little overboard and had two desserts, but I didn’t feel that bad about it. I was supposed to go for a run to burn it off, but then it started thunder-storming all over the place and I heard the tornado siren for like a second so there was no way you were getting me out of the house.

Monday is when everything fell apart. I woke up sick with a fever. I ended up taking off work and so did my boyfriend to help take care of me. I sat around and pretty much had my lazy day. I tend to eat lots of comfort food when I’m sick. It got a bit out of hand when I reached three bowls of mint moose tracks on top of pizza for dinner and a sub for lunch slathered in mayo. I felt so guilty I wanted to go running right away. My boyfriend wouldn’t let me though, something about resting your body so it can heal or something >.>. I can just feel all my progress from last week being undone. It’s got me quite depressed today. It doesn’t help that Aunt Flo will be visiting soon and so my moods are amplified times 100.

I did have some chocolate today. My boss decided to clean out her pantry of sweets and brought in a whole bag of goodies. I didn’t go to crazy, but I did give in a little. It wasn’t satisfying at all though. The chocolate was stale, yuck. There was a point today where I was holding my money ready to go to the vending machine to get some good quality, satisfying chocolate, but I stopped and put my money away because I started reading all of your blogs. Thanks for helping me overcome that urge guys. I tend to use my mood swings at this time of the month as an excuse to comfort myself. I really don’t need to do more damage this week though, otherwise my stats this Saturday will only upset me more. It’ll be a never ending cycle.

This blog was created to help me become more accountable, and so that is why I’m coming clean. Thanks for listening and I hope that one day I can inspire at least one of you to put down that vending machine money too.

Happy Losing!