Saturday Stats: Week 7

Happy Saturday Stats Day!

 Alright, I must admit, food wise this week was a bit off. In the middle of the week I had a stressful situation pop up that I decided to eat emotionally about. I didn’t go too crazy (an improvement), but enough to stall my progress at least. Let’s see what happened

The stats are in:

  • Current Weight = 205 lbs
  • Last week = 203.8 lbs
  • Weekly Difference = +1.2 lbs
Measuring Last Week (in.) This Week (in.) Weekly Difference
 Left arm  12  12 0
 Right arm  12  12 0
 Left leg  23  23 0
Right Leg  23  23 0
 Bust  38.5  38.5 0
Under Bust  35  35.5 +0.5
Waist  34  34 0
 Navel  36.5  36.5 0
 Butt  44  44 0


Okay soooo I didn’t do so great. I went up 1.2 pounds and 0.5 an inch. I could have done much worse though especially with how I ate in the middle of this week. A bagel, some pita bread and cookies, gobs of cheese and ranch on my salad. Not the best decisions, but they really did help me feel a bit better. Nothing to do but move forward. I’ll try to do better next week. I don’t foresee any really stressful situations on my horizon for about a month, let’s hope this is the case!

How’d you do this week?

Happy Losing!

Cauliflower egg fried “rice”

First off let me say that I took this recipe from The Fasting Doctor‘s blog here.

The recipe was so good I had to post about it. I made a couple changes to suit my taste, but here’s the base recipe:

Ingredients (to serve 1)

  • 1/2 a medium head of cauliflower
  • 1 egg
  • 3-4 scallions, chopped
  • Dried chilli flakes, salt & pepper to taste

Now to make the egg fried ‘rice’.

Cut your cauliflower into florets.

Rinse them. Do not dry. As we are not cooking with oil, the water will help cook ‘em later. Use a processor/blender/grater to create your bowl of rice-like ‘grains’

Heat up a non-stick pan on medium heat. Pop your ‘rice’ in (with your chilli flakes, salt & pepper) and start sautéing for 3 minutes. Then add the scallions for another 2 minutes. As we’re not using oil, you have to watch your rice like a hawk so that it doesn’t burn/stick to the pan (a little bit will probably stick). You can add a little bit of water to keep things moving, but not too much as the cauliflower will soak it up pronto and become more gummy-like.

Crack your egg in, mix it throughout & serve.

Here are the ingredients I added:

  • chilli powder (instead of chilli flakes)
  • 2 Tbsp butter/margarine
  • a sprinkle of onion powder
  • minced garlic to taste
  • a sprinkle of shredded cheddar cheese

When the ‘rice’ was sauteing in the pan I added 1 tbsp of the butter. I added the extra spices at the same time as the chilli powder and salt and pepper. I added more along the process. I probably cooked it about 2 minutes longer than called for until I was satisfied with the spices. I added the second Tbsp of butter after adding the scallions. I just thought it needed more. I added the cheddar as an after thought after it was already in the serving bowl. It was still hot and melted and mixed right in. You could probably add it while it was still in the pan though. Use sparingly though. Doesn’t really need it. I just like cheese…on everything.

The verdict was: It’s delicious! I could almost eat it as a meal alone and be completely satisfied! Even my anything healthy hating father and sister admitted that it was “okay” and “not too bad”!!! OMG they ate vegetables and the world did not end!

I will definitely be making this again. My only gripe is that my blender is terrible. It was like “Nah, I don’t FEEL like chopping up this cauliflower” -_-. Suffice to say, I will be using a food processor next time for sure. Good thing the boyfriend has one!! He has all the fancy cooking stuff and I’m sure he’ll love this recipe too!

Enjoy and Happy cooking!

Saturday Stats: Week 6

Happy Saturday Stats Day!

 I was really good this week. I even started making some swaps back into the slow carb lifestyle. Black beans instead of an apple. Cucumbers instead of carrots. I was feeling skinny again this week. Let’s see how I did!

The stats are in:

  • Current Weight = 203.8 lbs
  • Last week = 206 lbs
  • Weekly Difference = -2.2 lbs
Measuring Last Week (in.) This Week (in.) Weekly Difference
 Left arm  12  12 0
 Right arm  12.5  12 -0.5
 Left leg  23  23 0
Right Leg  23.5  23 -0.5
 Bust  39  38.5 -0.5
Under Bust  35  35 0
Waist  34  34 0
 Navel  37  36.5 -0.5
 Butt  44  44 0


Woo Hoo! What a great week! 2.2 lbs lost and 2 inches lost! I couldn’t ask for more :). My jeans are starting to get loose now too. Can’t wait to go down a size. Maybe when I hit 200?

I really need to get below 200. I have some kind of mental block that makes me stop trying when I get there. This time I’m gonna do it though and I’ll stay there. If I can get my body weight below 195 (with clothes on) then I will officially be considered just overweight instead of obese by my doctor! Then my health insurance won’t force me to wear a pedometer everyday!( I might still wear it, but it’d be nice to have the choice!) That is my current goal. Deadline is October/November when I have to go in for my annual physical. I can  do this!!

How’d you do this week?

Happy Losing!

Evil Cake Day and the Just Say NO Challenge

At my work there is this evil thing called “cake day”. It occurs every second Wednesday of every month. This month they are doing it tomorrow because the baker will be on vacation next week. The purpose is to celebrate everyone who is having a birthday in the company. They used to put all the names on the cakes, but now they just have a sign posted next to the cake with all the birthday names. They usually have chocolate, vanilla, and a wild card. Tomorrow it will be cherry. I haven’t tried that one yet >.>. I have a problem with wanting to try every single flavor to find my favorite, and then of course trying them again to make sure >.<. Can’t be too sure. Anyway, this post isn’t about that problem, but an entirely different problem: Free food. In the past, I have had a difficult time saying no to free food. Even if it’s not that good. The cake isn’t that good, not bad, but not super delicious either, but it’s free.

About two months ago I started noticing this pattern of weakness in myself after my boss brought in danishes and I ate five of them simply because they were free. I don’t even like danishes that much. At my work, people bring in free stuff all the time. Today there’s a bag of candy canes and a container of fried chickpeas. Evil, I tell you. I think the root of this bad habit comes from growing up in a relatively poor family. Free food was not very common and of course you don’t turn it down, not when people are starving in the world. Not when you can’t afford much yourself.

Well, now I do. I created the “Just say NO” challenge to help me through it. It’s simple: you earn one point every time you say no to something free and bad for you. Every time you say yes you lose two points. There’s a max of 5 points per day. I make Holidays (actual family parties) an exclusion. They are an opportunity to earn points, but I do not get penalized.

My boyfriend got on board and agreed to provide me with rewards when I hit a certain amount of points. He’s so supportive ^.^! Unfortunately, at the time, food was a heavy motivator so quite a few of my “rewards” are food related. Here’s some of mine.


  • 10 pts = free cookie of choice
  • 25 pts = free movie with the works (popcorn, pop, and candy)
  • 50 pts = massage
  • 75 pts = Sourdough Day ( I love sourdough bread so much >.<!)
  • 100 pts = Three course meal
  • 150 pts = Servant Day ( I can make him do anything I want, silly dances and all ^.^)
  • 200 pts = Hotel Stay

There’s a few more that I can’t remember, but I have them posted in my cube to motivate me. So far I’ve earned the cookie and movie. I may exchange the massage for half the price of a pair of new running shoes. That’s a bit more motivating to me. Running shoes are expensive >.<.

The weird thing was, after a couple weeks of this challenge, saying no just became automatic. It wasn’t even a conscious thought anymore. I wasn’t getting very many points because it wasn’t registering as a challenge anymore. So we expanded the challenge. Now I also get points for saying no to buying things that are unhealthy for me that I want. So when I stand in front of the vending machine drooling and then walk away, point! When it’s nacho day in the cafeteria and I get a salad, point! When we go to the movies and don’t get any snacks, point!

I got a simple tally counter app on my phone. It’s literally just a plus and minus sign and a number. I am currently at 39 points. The point is this method works for me. I have learned to say no, in most cases. Of course I’m weak at times, but I’m a hell of a lot better than I used to be. I do not feel deprived or rude when I say no anymore. Why? Because it was my choice. I chose to say no and I had a right to.

How to you resist free temptations?

Saturday Stats: Week 5

Happy Saturday Stats Day!

Yes, I’m posting on Sunday again -_- Sorry. As you know from my confession post this week, I was sick on Monday. As a result my whole workout routine was off by one day. I didn’t want to weigh in until I completed my routine for the week.

The stats are in:

  • Current Weight = 206 lbs
  • Last week = 204.8 lbs
  • Weekly Difference = +1.2 lbs
Measuring Last Week (in.) This Week (in.) Weekly Difference
 Left arm  12  12 0
 Right arm  12.5  12.5 0
 Left leg  23  23 0
Right Leg  23.5  23.5 0
 Bust  39  39 0
Under Bust  35  35 0
Waist  34  34 0
 Navel  37  37 0
 Butt  44.5  44 -0.5


Sooo… I went up a bit. Not as bad as I expected with how bad Monday was. Yesterday I was at a family party and so I did not eat as strictly as I normally do. I really think this weight gain is mostly water.The important part is that I lost half an inch, right!?! Next week will be better! How’d you do this week?

Happy Losing!

Confession Time

As you all know, I had a fabulous weigh in on Saturday. Saturday was also supposed to be a rest, do nothing, lazy kind of day. Due to my awesome stats though I was too motivated to sit still and went on a spur of the moment 5 mile walk! It was awesome. I took lots of pictures of pretty flowers and butterflies and just took my time.

Sunday, I had planned a cheat meal and dessert. I went a little overboard and had two desserts, but I didn’t feel that bad about it. I was supposed to go for a run to burn it off, but then it started thunder-storming all over the place and I heard the tornado siren for like a second so there was no way you were getting me out of the house.

Monday is when everything fell apart. I woke up sick with a fever. I ended up taking off work and so did my boyfriend to help take care of me. I sat around and pretty much had my lazy day. I tend to eat lots of comfort food when I’m sick. It got a bit out of hand when I reached three bowls of mint moose tracks on top of pizza for dinner and a sub for lunch slathered in mayo. I felt so guilty I wanted to go running right away. My boyfriend wouldn’t let me though, something about resting your body so it can heal or something >.>. I can just feel all my progress from last week being undone. It’s got me quite depressed today. It doesn’t help that Aunt Flo will be visiting soon and so my moods are amplified times 100.

I did have some chocolate today. My boss decided to clean out her pantry of sweets and brought in a whole bag of goodies. I didn’t go to crazy, but I did give in a little. It wasn’t satisfying at all though. The chocolate was stale, yuck. There was a point today where I was holding my money ready to go to the vending machine to get some good quality, satisfying chocolate, but I stopped and put my money away because I started reading all of your blogs. Thanks for helping me overcome that urge guys. I tend to use my mood swings at this time of the month as an excuse to comfort myself. I really don’t need to do more damage this week though, otherwise my stats this Saturday will only upset me more. It’ll be a never ending cycle.

This blog was created to help me become more accountable, and so that is why I’m coming clean. Thanks for listening and I hope that one day I can inspire at least one of you to put down that vending machine money too.

Happy Losing!

Saturday Stats: Week 4

Happy Saturday Stats Day!

 This week I was very good. Those who have read my earlier posts this week know that I was having a quarterly lunch at a burger joint with my coworkers that I was worried about. You know what, I did freaking awesome! To cut some calories, I chose the bunless option where you got the burger wrapped in lettuce. Instead of fries, I got a side salad and used very little dressing. I chose water over pop and refused a very high calorie shake. I’m so proud of myself, and I’m definitely feeling great because of it. Without further ado, the stats are in!

  • Current Weight =  204.8 lbs
  • Last week = 208.4 lbs
  • Weekly Difference = 3.6 lbs
Measuring Last Week (in.) This Week (in.) Weekly Difference
 Left arm  12  12 0
 Right arm  12  12.5 +0.5
 Left leg  23  23 0
Right Leg  23.5  23.5 0
 Bust  39  39 0
Under Bust  35.5  35 -0.5
Waist  35  34 -1.0
 Navel  37.25  37 -0.25
 Butt  44.5  44.5 0


Woohoo! What a great week! I’ve lost 3.6 lbs and a 1.25 inch net loss in measurements this week. I was totally “feeling” skinny this week too. My pants were bunching up in places they haven’t before. Perhaps I’ll be able to go down a pant size soon. It’s so very exciting! I’m losing inches where I need it most, in my tummy. If I lost all fat from my tummy only and everywhere else stayed the same, I’d probably look pretty good. Of course, I could lose more in other areas, I’m just saying that my stomach is the worst and of course that’s the most unhealthy place to store fat. So I’m happy it’s going down. I haven’t made this much progress in a while, hopefully it keeps up next week too.

Happy Losing and Smart Choices!

Crash and Burn Update

On Tuesday I made a post here about how little energy I had after eating lunch and so I decided to perform an experiment by altering what I was eating for lunch.

Here are the ingredients I took out of my salad:

  • Cheddar cheese
  • Croutons
  • Craisins
  • Carrots
  • Ranch Dressing

I replaced the ranch with Italian dressing and the cheddar with feta cheese. I just can’t eat a salad without any flavor. Surprisingly it didn’t taste that bad! Perhaps my taste buds are finally starting to like dressings besides ranch! Woohoo!! I’m free! My taste buds are finally growing up.

On to the results! I did not crash and burn after lunch on Wednesday! What a victory. I did yawn a little bit, but it was nothing like the I must sit down kind of tired I was on Tuesday. I was actually able to keep working without losing focus! I don’t know which of those ingredients is the culprit, but I probably shouldn’t eat them anyway. I will try to make an effort to eat salads without those ingredients from now on.

Today, however, is my team’s quarterly lunch. This means that we are all going out to eat and it’ll be free (the company covers it). Another hurdle I must jump. It is very difficult for me not to indulge when its free. It doesn’t help that a burger joint was the voted upon as our destination. Wish me luck on the minefield today!

Happy losing with lots of energy!

Crash and Burn

I’ve recently noticed that I get really sleepy after lunch. To the point where I’m not functioning properly. I can’t focus and I definitely can’t work (efficiently at least). I’m so sluggish and my brain is so foggy that I generally have to go take a break and sit in my cubicle for 15 minutes or so until I force myself back to work. It happens approximately one hour after lunch every day. Why have I never noticed this before?! My best guess is that I was assuming the sleepiness was from working out in the morning or not getting enough sleep or natural for that mid afternoon time of day. That’s why siestas exist right?

Anyway, I’ve come to the conclusion that it is actually my lunch working against me. I must be eating too much sugar and diverting the energy my body has to keep me going away to digesting my lunch.

My current lunch consists of a salad:

  • Romaine
  • Egg
  • Peppers
  • Onion
  • Tomato
  • Cucumber
  • Cheddar Cheese
  • Chicken breast
  • Croutons
  • Carrots
  • Bacon bits
  • Craisins
  • Ranch Dressing

Now I know this isn’t the healthiest of salads, but it is my daily vice that keeps me sane and fairly healthy. I think that the ranch, croutons, craisins, carrots and cheese are probably working against me though. The ranch and cheese are probably the biggest offenders because I’m suspicious of my body’s lactose tolerance or intolerance as it may be. I haven’t been officially tested, but I’m probably at the very least lactose sensitive. I’m also slightly suspicious of gluten as well. When I eat lactose and gluten free, I do well. I’m not sure which is the culprit.

Anywho, I am going to experiment tomorrow and see if leaving these things off will help with my energy levels in the afternoon. I’ve put it on here so now I have to do it, right? No backing down now…unless I forget ;). I’ll try and post an update on how it goes later this week. To science!

Happy losing, and clear minds!


The First 40ish Pounds (Part II – Diet)

This is a continuation of a previous post. Please click here to read The First 40ish Pounds (Part I -Exercise). In this post I will be talking about what kind of diet I followed to lose my first 40ish pounds.


The diet I followed is called the slow carb diet that I found in the book The 4 hour body by Tim Ferriss. Here is his website if you’re curious. The diet is pretty straight forward. High protein, low carb. Fruit, dairy, grains, and starchy vegetables are all off limits for 6 days out of the week. The 7th day is a cheat day with no restrictions, just go crazy. For your meals you could eat vegetables, meat and beans with portion size unrestricted. Do not drink your calories. No pops, not even diet, no juice, no smoothies. All you need to drink is water.

Curious about snacks? Snacks are not encouraged. In theory, you should be full enough from your high protein meals to not need snacks. If you’re not, then you need to eat more. If you really must have a snack, I believe he said a small amount of carrots was okay. Perhaps an ounce of nuts would be fine too. I’m doing this from memory, I lent the book to my boyfriend, so forgive me if I’m not exactly correct. So what did I eat?


  • 2 large eggs sunny side up
  • 2 Jennie O turkey sausage patties


  • Salad with no dressing, cheese, fruit or croutons. (You can have oil based dressings, I just don’t like them. Only ranch fits my taste buds so I had to do without.)


  • Some kind of meat (chicken breast, brat, hamburger)
  • Some kind of vegetable (green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach)
  • Beans (black, kidney, or pinto are my preferences)

(If I didn’t have time to cook my dinner ahead of time, because I work the second shift, I would always have acceptable soups in my drawer at work. You have to make sure there is no noodles, rice, potatoes, or corn, in your soup and it needs to contain meat and beans. I’ve found Target is the best place to find soups that meet these requirements.)

That’s it.

Having a lot of variety is not recommended. Have your set meals and stick to them. As you can see, my dinner is the only thing that changed every day. Technically, I should have probably been eating more beans at each meal, but I lost weight regardless. At this time I was weighing myself daily. Every day that I followed this my weight would go down quite a bit. I could lose up to 5 lbs a week. The damage you would do on cheat day, which was Saturdays for me, would be gone by Tuesday or Wednesday and you’d be going down again. It really takes quite a bit of effort to gain a pound of pure fat. Most of the time sudden big gains are caused by water retention.

Another key note: don’t eat too late. Your dinner should always be about 4 hours before bed time regardless of the diet you are following. If you don’t give your body enough time to digest your food, the second you go to sleep your body will go into storage mode (because you’re not expending energy anymore) and will turn everything left in your stomach straight to fat. You don’t want that.

Always make sure you are drinking enough water and getting enough sleep for the day as well. When you are properly hydrated and rested your body acts like a well oiled machine. This means that it can work at its best to keep your metabolism going and to keep you full of energy. When you become dehydrated and tired this can lead to exhaustion and headaches that will make you not want to work out. By drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep you can cut out these excuses before they even form.

Curious as to why I’m not currently following this diet? It’s as simple as I don’t have time to cook anymore. This diet heavily requires you to cook your meals ahead of time. I’ve found that, in my current situation, it’s either cook or go to the gym. I figured going to the gym was more beneficial. I’ll tell you more about this when I post about what I’m currently doing. I do plan to go back to this diet in the fall when I am in my new apartment. I’ll be closer to work and won’t have to commute as much in general.

Another tool I used during this time was lose it. I would track my calories in and my exercises on this site using the app on my phone. It’s free and has a great, supportive community. There are even challenges to help motivate you with things you have trouble with like eating more vegetables, exercising more, or drinking water. It’s a really great site. During this time in my life I didn’t really have a support system. I didn’t have anyone to work out with or diets with. I was on my own and I probably would have failed without this lose it community to keep me on track and motivated. I still use this program today although not as much. I’ve gotten a support system through my boyfriend now, and from not varying my diet too much I know what I can and cannot afford to eat. I do like to input my weight and look at all the charts and graphs they provide in the reports section though.

That’s it for how I lost my first 40ish lbs. If you have any questions or notice that I’ve left something out, please feel free to let me know. Hopefully the next 40lbs ish will come off just as easy as the first.

Happy Losing!